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Step 1 - Theme Options

To begin customizing your site go to Appearance -> Customizer and select Theme Options. Here's you'll find custom options to help build your site.

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Step 2 - Setup Slider

To add a slider go to Theme Options -> Homepage and choose page slider. The slider will use the page title, excerpt and featured image for the slides.

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Step 3 - Create Homepage

To add featured content go to Theme Options -> Homepage (Featured) and turn the switch on then add the content you want for each section.

Plex Server on a Raspberry Pi


** Keep in mind piracy is illegal. You should pay for what you watch**

Plex is an application that you can use to watch movies and tv shows. Plex offers not only access to it’s free library of Movies but a way to stream and watch your personal movies and tv shows. With Plex being a way to keep your collection organised and in one place so the family can enjoy them.

For my family we use the free version of Plex. The free version offers a lot of great features. Plex’s paid version just goes that bit further and makes it a fantastic all in one entertainment tool. There are so many use cases for Plex and Pi that it is difficult to some them all up. One time setup my Raspberry Pi as a wireless router connected my 3G USB device and setup Plex. The reason for all the setup was to keep everyone in the car happy with Internet connectivity and movies to watch that they could select of the Pi and use Plex to stream it to there devices they were using. It was great. The wife could work and the kids watched movies and I was in peace to drive.

This article is the basics. Getting Plex up and running on a Raspberry Pi and trying it out at home to see if you can make use of it or not. My home setup of Plex is currently running on a very old HP Micro Server Gen 2 with only 2gb of RAM. Running this on 2gb or RAM would be impossible in the Windows world. Running a Linux system with no GUI only command line is a breeze.

Getting used to Raspberry Pi Terminal

The Raspberry Pi terminal, or command line, is just like any other Linux command line. The command lines, is were the real power, control and configurability comes to life. Learning the command line you will be able to move from NOOB to a power user very quickly. Spending time researching the different commands I came

Synology DSM 7.0 Release Date

Basically what is Synology?

Synology is a company that sells Data Storage, Networking and Surveillance devices, from home users all the way through to Enterprise. In my view they are more well known for the data products. Mostly Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices. You can go over to the Synology website for more information.

Do I have one and do what do I do with it?

You bought a Raspberry Pi now what?

Well first of congratulations on getting yourself a Raspberry Pi. There are plenty and when I say plenty I mean a lot of websites and YouTube videos that explain what to do next. One of the basic concepts is the Pi needs an operating system to run (just like computers or smart phones). Without one installed your journey does not start.